Garth Thomas, music critic for The Hollywood Digest commented on the new self-titled EP release by L
Las Vegas six piece Forgotten Door cites a number of retro influences, The Grateful Dead and The Doobie Brothers among them, but sounds...
Las Vegas Based “Reimagined Rock” Ensemble"Forgotten Door" Announces the Release of Their
"The band name for this act could be a partial misnomer. A listen to their stellar music, and a look at their memorable image will...
Michael Rand of the popular music blog recently reviewed the new self-titled EP from
The talents of Las Vegas’ Forgotten Door reflect the hard work its six members have put into refining and developing both their...
Forgotten Door Signs with The Allure Media Entertainment Group as their Publicist, Marketing Chief,
Forgotten Door Signs with The Allure Media Entertainment Group as their Publicist, Marketing Chief, and Artist Representative. In a...